Cierpa blog - Interview met Willem Siebers (1)

He uses his vast OEE experience to help companies start the improvement process.

You use the MTP approach. What does that mean?

“MTP is about three circles: Man, Technique and Process. They are the most important parts of any company. When you apply these parts correctly, you can help a company be successful. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy: people often know about two out of three circles, but you need all three to make your production really successful. At WIDI Consultancy, we focus on the entire picture so the improvement process will be handled from A to Z.”


Man: the potential and employability of the employees

Technique:  the capacity and production of the machines

Process: lead time, planning and performance

Are you an improvement consultant or an OEE specialist? Or both?

“Originally I was in data, as an improvement specialist. Nowadays, I visit companies that need an OEE advisor. I contribute when companies or consultants have started the improvement process but don’t have the technical knowledge to choose or to implement the right OEE software.”

In your opinion, is it difficult to get people excited about OEE?

“Sometimes yes, sometimes no, it depends. Companies that are already improving are easier to get on-board. But some companies have never even used computers at the workplace, and don’t know about continuous improvement. People who have been set in their ways for many years can be quite skeptical.

Also, some companies harbor a culture where people are afraid to make mistakes. And of course, there’s always the risk of making mistakes when you start an improvement process, especially when you using new software. People need to know they won’t get into trouble. It’s essential to engage people; otherwise, it won’t be possible to achieve lasting change.”

“I asked an operator which technique was important at his workplace. His answer:'You’re the first person to ever ask me anything in 25 years.' There’s no improving without some communication structure.”

So how do you get it done?

“A communication structure is the basis for continuous improvement. Show that attention is being paid. I’ve experienced asking an operator which screens were important for the workplace, only to find him really taken by surprise: “You are the first one to ever ask me something in 25 years.” And they are the people that keep production up and running! Use their knowledge and involve them in the improvement process.

I always pay attention to what goes wrong, as an advisor, but also in training and during conversations about a project. That knowledge is shared with the client so he can start working with it. You can only improve together.

What does a company achieve when measuring OEE?

“People often have a gut feeling where things go wrong during production. But a gut feeling alone isn’t enough to start improving. OEE measuring really shows you where waste occurs and where improvements are located.

You don’t need an expensive software program right away; you can start using Excel. Do you want to know if a machine performs well? Then make a list: how much did you produce, what’s the norm, and how long has the machine been running? That will give you initial insight. OEE software will give you increasingly specific results.”

“OEE isn’t a performance indicator, it’s an improvement tool.”

What are the pitfalls of measuring?

“Using plan norms, because they also contain waste, so that gives a skewed image. Or using a very low norm, which makes the performance look too good. And most of all: OEE isn’t a performance indicator, but an improvement tool! Keep learning from the measurements so you can improve continuously.”

Cierpa enjoys working with Willem Siebers. As an implementation consultant, he optimizes the implementation and use of OEE software within your company. Willem on Cierpa Software:

“Cierpa software can be used for any improvement process. It’s easy to use and can be fully tailored to your company."

You can reach Willem Siebers at WISI Consultancy or