Consultant Philip Stevenije on the power of accessible improvement
Consultant Philip Stevenije on the power of accessible improvement. Philip Stevenije of PS Advies believes in accessible improvement, and so do we!

Lean working strives for waste-free working. What’s optimal production when processes run 24 hours a day, seven days a week, without interruption? That is the ultimate goal of LEAN working. That’s why LEAN thinking is targeted to the continuous improvement of company processes, by eliminating waste and putting the customer first. This way quality improves, lead times decrease, and costs will go down. The client will be satisfied, and the processes will run smoother.
A LEAN improvement process has four cornerstones:
1. Measuring
LEAN working starts with collecting improvement opportunities. Better yet: by charting waste and targeting improvement opportunities.
2. Improving
Addressing the issue or waste is part of the improvement step.
3. Standardizing
Has the intended result been reached within the pilot phase? Great. The next step is to standardize the results for the entire production process.
4. Consolidating/Audits
Consolidation means new processes and activities will be incorporated into the company processes and are also known by the employees. Audits can be used to check whether results are permanent.
An (internal or external) improvement coach and/or team will guide the improvement process. Often, an improvement process is started with the means available, such as Excel or scorecards. That’s usually a great way to get a grasp of the process. However, limitations appear soon:
- It’s hard to collaborate, different versions and setups of Excel files are floating around
- Too many additions create less and less understanding
- (Paper-based) scorecards are stored separately from Excel files
- There’s no clear overview of the improvement process
- Etcetera
That’s usually a great moment to look into the possibilities of LEAN software. The improvement software takes perfect measurements, analyses faster and guides the company towards a waste-free work process. You can efficiently reduce waste, consolidate quality, and start saving considerably.
Cierpa software is really user-friendly. The browser can be implemented quickly, while the software is easy to use for everybody within the organization, from manager to line operator. Our LEAN software can be used for one or more improvement phases. Both jointly and separately, the different software modules will guide your company to the next level.
Cierpa’s improvement software consists of five modules:
1. Cierpa OEE: measuring data
Cierpa OEE shows you where bottlenecks in your production are located and how waste occurs there. You can use a manual scorecard, a digital scorecard, or choose automated measurements on the line, to collect real-time OEE-data. The measurement and analysis module of CIERPA OEE converts all data into clear insight.
2. Cierpa Quality: measuring quality control
Cierpa Quality is the extension of Cierpa OEE. This module enables digital quality control, including tracking and tracing of materials. You’ll gain insight into your materials balance and get a grip on production quality. This way, quality control will become part of your improvement culture.
3. Cierpa Kaizen: improving
At first, Cierpa Kaizen is a simple task list, based upon Kaizen’s Plan-Do-Check-Act. That’s perfect for small-scale (fast) improving. Second, Cierpa Kaizen is a multidisciplinary improvement tool that enables you to grow and improve company-wide. Also, Cierpa Kaizen can be used during 5S and 5s audits, which often results in many small improvement activities which add up to quite a significant improvement potential.
4. Cierpa Competence: standardizing
Usually, recurring waste is detected, followed by a solution to prevent it. This way will be recorded as the new standard. Cierpa Competence takes it a step further. You can create new standards, but also distribute them throughout the company and include them in your training program.
5. Cierpa Assessment: consolidate/audits
Cierpa Assessment provides an overview of your audits and assessments. Appealing charts and images instantly show what needs to be improved and how much progress has been made. Improvement points can directly be transferred to Cierpa Kaizen. Cierpa Assessment comes with a 5s audit checklist and also supports your own questionnaires.
Do you want to know what Cierpa’s LEAN Software can do for your improvement process? Then contact us. We like to give you free advice or an online demo! If you need an improvement consultant, we can provide you with an excellent candidate from our network. Together we can improve your company, quickly and efficiently!
Together we will make sure that you can improve quickly and efficiently!