Vebo & Cierpa Kaizen: the road towards safe and sustainable undertaking
Project Leader Bas Simon doesn't believe in improving just for the sake of improving.
An organization with many autonomous, locally managed components has a bottom-up management structure. The work floor takes the lead in this model. Employees and teams have a significant amount of responsibility and decision-making powers. The management works in line with the employees, focusing on the question: “How do you think we should handle this?”
Bottom-up management nowadays is a popular management structure because it can improve continuity, innovation, and company results. A top-down organization, where management announces plans and goals to the employees, is losing popularity. The decentralized organization, as a management structure, obviously has its pros and cons.
Whenever an improvement process is started, it is impossible to work purely bottom-up or top-down. To really achieve a joint result, cooperation and balance needs to exist between management and the work floor. In order to improve in a bottom-up organization, it’s essential to configure the top of the organization, to make sure common organizational goals are reached, instead of individual ones.
To support management in a decentralized organization with the improvement process, here are some tips:
Be transparent towards the employees on the use of this top-down approach and common improvement goals. At the same time, you can preserve the autonomous strength of the organization and its employees.
In this interview, Consultant Fred Waij emphasizes the value of a clear and positive message during the initial stage.
Cierpa Kaizen stimulates employees to participate. Our LEAN software makes it easy to collect and organize improvement ideas from the work floor.